Thursday 19 September 2013

Renovation project - Is French plaster the same as English plaster - Noooooooo

Renovation project - Is French plaster the same as English plaster - Noooooooo

It’s time to get the kitchen ready for the new floor, john decides to plaster the entire back kitchen wall, and discovers that his new super duper plaster is no longer quite so super or duper!

It is not that good on a big surface and we are back to the normal cursing, he manages to get it finished but he’s not happy, I say it looks fine, this does not help, then we go on to the:

It is not fine

I don’t do fine

I do perfect.........

I try to appease him but give up, (I am almost expecting to see him jumping up and down having a proper tantrum!!!!) he’ll get it sorted at some point so instead I go back to my wood stripping.

Personally I think it looks fantastic as do friends that stop by and have a look, but John is a perfectionist! It is mad to think that he is getting so upset by a wall when we are still living in a building site, but these things do happen, it is something you have to come to terms with when using materials you are not used too and that are very different to what you have used for the past thirty years.


  1. No chance that your perfectionist would go for the rustic charm finish then!

    Kate x
    Kate at Home

    1. ha ha ha that is what i want, we have compromised on some areas, but he wanted the kitchen perfect

